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Our websites https://udyam.webinfinix.in and https://webinfinix.in are now rebranded as https://udyamindia.in .This Website is Official

Udyam Webinfinix is now Rebranded as Udyam India: Another Step in Our Journey.


We are extremely pleased to announce that we have rebranded from Udyam Webinfinix to Udyam India, keeping our vision to make our website even more user-friendly. The story is much more than just a name change; it reflects our firm’s commitment to providing exceptional services to our users, enabling them to access all information related to their enterprise and grow their business.

Why was the name altered?

Udyam Webinfinix aimed to empower MSMEs and provide them with the best services. Therefore, after understanding the current conditions and thoroughly serving our vision, it has been rebranded as Udyam India, with the help of which our platform will become even more accessible and will provide exceptional services to MSMEs, with the help of which MSMEs can empower their business even more and access all the government assistance.

What is the meaning for you?

Moving to Udyam India from Udyam Webinfinix signifies a new beginning and offers numerous advantages, including:

Stay Connected

Follow us on our social media platforms to stay updated on the latest news, services, and developments. Visit our new website to explore all that we have to offer.

What effect would it have on our present customers?

Even though our current customers' experience won't be affected—all of their files, data, and services will stay the same—we still advise adding your new address if you want to stay in contact and be informed about our newest products and services.

In conclusion, The only reason for this rebranding is to make sure we carry out our responsibilities more effectively. We look forward to continuing your adventure as Udyam India tries to spread the entrepreneurial spirit of Indian business even further. Thank you very much for being an integral part of this incredible journey.

Contact Us

Have questions about the rebranding? Reach out to us at admin@udyamindia.in.