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Understanding NIC Code for Udyam Registration: A Complete Guide

The National Industrial Classification (NIC) code is a standardized system developed by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). It plays a vital role in defining the business category and ensuring accurate classification.

How to identify the right NIC code for your business?

The NIC code plays an important role in defining the business category and ensuring accurate classification. Finding an accurate NIC code is a complex and time-consuming process that increases the chances of mistakes. However, the steps given below will help you select the right NIC code according to your business activity:

How do I update or change the NIC Code in Udyam Registration?

  1. Visit the Udyam Registration Portal: You must visit our Udyam portal to edit or Update the NIC Code in the Udyam Registration Certificate online, and click on the "Update Udyam Certificate" button in the Nav bar.
  2. Enter basic details:
    • Enter the registered mobile number or email address used during registration.
    • Enter the Udyam Registration Number (URN).
  3. NIC Code: Provide complete details of your business activities in the “PROVIDE THE DETAILS TO BE UPDATED ON CERTIFICATE” section so that our experts can correctly identify the NIC code and update your Udyam registration.
  4. Review and Declaration: Review all the details provided and after verification tick the Term and Condition box.
  5. Submit and Pay: Submit the Update Udyam form and pay the required consultancy fee to update the NIC code. After completing the process, you will receive the updated Udyam Certificate in your registered email within 24 hours.

NIC Code Categories and Examples

Section Code Description
A (Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing) 0111 Development of cereals and other crops
A (Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing) 0321 Marine fishing
B (Mining and Quarrying) 0510 Mining of hard coal
B (Mining and Quarrying) 0891 Chemical and fertilizer mineral mining
C (Manufacturing) 1050 Manufacture of dairy products
C (Manufacturing) 1071 Manufacture of bakery products
C (Manufacturing) 2023 Manufacture of soap and detergents
D (Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply) 3510 Generation of electric power, transmission, and distribution
D (Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply) 3530 Steam and air conditioning supply
E (Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management, and Remediation Activities) 3700 Sewerage
E (Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management, and Remediation Activities) 3900 Activities for remediation and other waste management services
G (Wholesale and Retail Trade) 4711 Retail sale in non-specialized stores
G (Wholesale and Retail Trade) 4730 Retail sale of automotive fuel
J (Information and Communication) 6201 Computer programming activities
J (Information and Communication) 6311 Data processing and hosting services
K (Financial and Insurance Activities) 6419 Other monetary intermediation
K (Financial and Insurance Activities) 6512 Non-life insurance
M (Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities) 7110 Architectural and engineering activities
M (Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities) 7490 Professional, scientific, and technical activities
P (Education) 8541 Sports and recreation education
P (Education) 8522 Technical and vocational secondary education

View More NIC Code >>

Importance of NIC Code in Udyam Registration

NIC code plays a very important role during Udyam Registration and is selected based on the business activity. The importance of NIC code increases in Udyam Registration due to the following reasons:

Ready to Register Your MSME?

If you are looking to apply for MSME registration, visit the official site:

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